Finkbuilt Gallery Presents: About this exhibition
fishing lure fishing lure
AMY CREHORE - Freckled BumblecatSold

Amy Crehore is a fine artist and creator of "Little Pierrot", "Blues Gals" and "Monkey Love" series paintings; she's a hokum washboard player, blogger, ukulele designer and national magazine illustrator. Keep up with her art news at Little Hokum Rag and take a tour of her gallery of paintings .

Could you tell the visitors about your lure?

Mine is called "The Freckled Bumble Cat" lure. It comes in a wooden box with a special label that looks like a sideshow banner. A mermaid is relaxing with a sweet creature that resembles a giant yellow banana slug with a little hat on. The lure itself has doll eyes, pink cat ears, brown freckles, stripes and a sailor hat. It's a combination cat, fish, bumble bee, slug, human, you name it. (Lure is signed on the bottom, "Crehore Lure". Artist postcards also included in this deal.)

How did you end up being an artist?

I'm just a rebel at heart. Everyone said "No, don't do it!" and that was good enough for me.

Who are some of your greatest artistic influences?

Folk artists of all kinds, Giotto, Balthus, Antonio Donghi, Early Picasso, Vintage advertising illustrations, comics and lots more.

What music do you have in heavy rotation right now?

Nino Rota Collection, Link Wray, Hokum Music 1920's

What do you do for fun?

Painting, hiking up a mountain, playing hokum music, playing with my cat, reading, surfing the internet.

When was the last time you went fishing?

In my early 20's.

Do you have any words of wisdom for new or aspiring artists?

Stick your toes in the water and let them get nibbled a bit. Then dive all the way in without fear.